Adult Formation at All Saints – Something For Everyone!

Adult Formation at All Saints – Something for everyone!

unnamedBible Study, Bible and Babble, continues this fall on a new day and time.   Beginning Tuesday, September 22, Bible and Babble will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House for potluck and discussion led by the Rev. Vicki Mouradian.  Bible and Babble uses the commentary, Keeping Holy Time, edited by Douglas E. Wingeier as the text for study.  Lessons are based on the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary and give us a deeper understanding of Sunday lessons to come.

Men’s Bible Study will continue to meet on Wednesday mornings at 8:15 a.m. in the Parish House to reflect upon and discuss the upcoming Sunday’s lections (bible passages). All men are warmly welcome to join this group. Please contact the church office with any questions: 805-969-4771.

Education for Ministry will begin  Sunday afternoon, Sept. 13, 2015 at the Trinity Church library. Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with the education to carry out that ministry. During the Service of Confirmation we ask God to “Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at Baptism. Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perform the service you set before them.” EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service. For more information contact Robert Brown at


A six week Wednesday night class will begin September 23 and continue through October.  We will gather following our Eventide Service and Supper.  Plan to meet in the Parish House from 7:15 – 8:45 p.m.  Our study will focus on God as giver of all led by the Rev. Vicki Mouradian (

All Saints Book Group meets on the second Monday every other month at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House for potluck and discussion.  Join us for wonderful fellowship and food as we discuss the latest great read!  All are welcome.  Please contact Rev. Vicki with questions at