All Saints celebrates the Holy Eucharistic twice each Sunday.
Our early service is at 8 a.m. and features a hymn but no choir. Our 10 a.m. service has a full choral Eucharist, accompanied by our choir (September through May). Children from Sunday School typically rejoin the 10 a.m. service at Communion. There is no Sunday School the first Sunday of each month. Instead, children of all ages come to church for our monthly inter-generational service and help lead worship.
Our Eucharistic services are typically Rite II. The language of our worship is primarily from “The Book of Common Prayer” as well as from the “Enriching our Worship” supplemental resource. Frequently liturgical elements outside the Church Publishing publications are used with the goal of using a strong architecture from our Anglican and Episcopal heritage that merges with culturally contextual language.
After Sunday services, all are invited to gather in fellowship on the patio during Coffee Hour. Besides catching up with each other and welcoming visitors, the time between services is also used for educational presentations, group or committee meetings, discussion groups or review of next week’s lectionary.
The first Sunday of each month, the 10 a.m. service is a inter-generational service, where children of all ages help lead worship as readers, lay eucharistic ministers, and oblation bearers. During the sermon, which is geared toward the young and the young at heart and given from the stairs, children are invited to gather around Rev. Aimee.
Our Annual Meeting is typically held on the second Sunday in February, where we have one combined worship service at 9 a.m. followed by our Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting we reflect on the year past, review our plans for the future, and elect the slates for the new Vestry class, the Diocesan Convention delegates, and the next year’s Nominating Committee.
After Labor Day, when many who have been away on summer vacations return, the choir reconvenes and we gather in joyous worship to start the program year. We also welcome a new year of Sunday School teachers and welcome the children of Sunday School. The annual Homecoming Celebration & picnic marks this special day as we thank God for summer blessings, hear stories of vacation adventures, and open our arms to all with a festive picnic and lawn games.
The first Sunday in November is Consecration Sunday and coincides with our patronal feast day (All Saints) to culminate our five-week Stewardship season. Guest preachers are often invited during this five-week period. Consecration Sunday is when we gather all pledges for the coming year.