Update on Online Life of the Parish

Great strides are taking place in our effort to make our online depiction of All
Saints as robust as possible.  You’ve obviously navigated our website and maybe heard
about some of the other improvements, but here’s a run-down of some of our latest
steps towards this goal:

  • Our website launched just before Christmas of 2013 and we’re continuously updating the content. Hundreds of news posts, photo galleries and other content is available to you at www.asbts.org.
  • The latest website addition is a secure online-giving form that allows parishioners and visitors to donate to All Saints by credit card on their computer or smartphone.  You can navigate to that section of the website by clicking here.
  • We also re-launched our weekly email newsletter, now called “The Bell Tower.” All Saints’ bell tower is an iconic symbol whose practical purpose has been to bring the faithful to worship – we hope the email newsletter will do the same!
  • With the platforms of our website and email firmly in place, we’ve been able to bring a richer variety of content to the parish lately.  Following both Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday we published a summary of those days (and the week in between) with photos, descriptions, bulletins, audio recordings and videos of the events of the day.  Check the summary pages by clicking here.
  • Our Facebook community is growing daily, and it’s easy to see why – there are posts, pictures and links going up daily – oftentimes glimpses of “behind-the-scenes” church life you won’t see elsewhere.  Please like us here.
  • Our history is being told in photos over on our Flickr page; just click here.  As we uncover photos from our archives, we’ll keep adding to the 2000+ photos already posted. Look out for some old parish directory photos soon!


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Giving Box – draft

“Let us go forward in Christ’s name as a community of faith, to grow in faith through worship, witness and love for one another and our neighbors.”

The community of All Saints offers its time, talent and financial resources to further the Kingdom of God in each of our lives, our community and our world. What does our giving support? We have a significant array of ministries and programs that fall into the areas of Worship, Outreach and Formation; here are just a few – this website offers a complete picture of all we do in the name of our Lord:

  • Outreach to help those in need locally and around the world
  • Beautiful, historic sanctuary built in 1900
  • Music in support of our worship experience
  • Children’s and Adult education and spiritual formation
  • Sunday and mid-week services
  • Grounds and facilities that serve not only All Saints, but the wider community
  • Pastoral care for our members and the wider community
  • Parish governance

If you would like to contribute, please just click below and follow the directions.

Please click here for a pledge card.

There are a variety of ways you can contribute – see below — and a variety of categories of giving, including:

  • Annual Pledge
  • Special Gifts: Flowers, music, outreach, etc
  • Legacy Gifts
  • Gifts to All Saints’ Capital Fund

There are four different ways you can make a tax-deductible donation to All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church that will help support our various ministries:

By automatic bank draft

With most banks, you can automatically send a check to our address, and even schedule regular donations for the future. Many have found this to be the most convenient way to donate, especially since it saves time and does not involve fees taken out of your donation. Your bank’s online banking website will have information on how to get started, usually under a heading like Make a Payment. The address to enter for payments is:

All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara CA 93108

By check

Mail it to the address above, or put it in the basket on Sunday.

All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara CA 93108


Make a payment online by clicking here. We use a payment service that is completely safe.

Through a charitable gift fund or trust

Financial organizations like Fidelity, Schwab, and Bank of America often let you direct charitable contributions to the organizations you choose. If you have such an account, consider this option to provide support. All Saints’s Federal Tax ID is: xxxxxxxx

Note: Your donation is tax-deductible. You will always receive a receipt from All Saints in thanks and with appreciation for your financial support.

Questions about donating? Don’t hesitate to contact the All Saints Episcopal Church office at (805) 969-4771 or by email at info@asbts.org.


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God, Music, and Fun

Beginning March 2, after Family Feast, All Saints will present God, Music and Fun, a music education series for children and families. Through the media of singing, dance, rhythm activities and playing musical instruments, we will learn the stories of God’s saving work in the world through the art of music.

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Construction of St. Cyprien School in Haiti Well Under Way

The Outreach Committee has devoted extensive time over the past few months in communication with our Episcopal Schools Partnership and the Diocese of Haiti to monitoring the progress of the construction of our 10-room school which was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. This effort is the Outreach “Focus Project” for 2013-2014.

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Giving to All Saints

What does my giving support?

The community of All Saints offers its time, talent, and financial resources to further the Love of God in our lives, our community and our world. All Saints has a wide array of ministries and programs of Worship, Formation, and Outreach; here are just a few of the things All Saints is able to do thanks to those who have given in the past:

    • Give grants to help those in need locally and around the world
    • Restore the beautiful, historic All Saints sanctuary built in 1900
    • Foster a music making community by supporting the All Saints Choir, which enhances the worship experience
    • Provide opportunities for Children & Youth and Adult education and spiritual formation
    • Hold sustaining Sunday and mid-week worship services
    • Maintain the campus grounds and facilities used by All Saints and various community organizations
    • Offer pastoral care for parishioners and community members in need

Click here to review the current All Saints’ Financials (Profit & Loss Statement).

How do I give to All Saints?

There are a variety of ways you can contribute. The most effective way to support All Saints and all of the church’s ministries and programs is by pledging. Pledges are important because by making a commitment to give, you help the church to budget more accurately for expected income. By pledging and then staying current on your pledge payments, you help All Saints create and maintain sustainable financial plans that help the church prepare for the future.

You can also help by making a one time gift to All Saints. Gifts in any amount are welcome, and every dollar goes toward supporting ministries and programs that make a difference in our lives and the lives of our neighbors in our community and around the world. If there is a particular project or ministry you would like to support, you can specify which program you would like your gift to go toward and we will make sure it goes to the right place.


To pledge to All Saints, simply fill out a pledge card and turn it in when you can. You can drop it off in the Church Office, put it in the collection plate during service, or fill it out digitally and email it to the Church Office. You can find a pledge card below.

Pledge Card

One-Time Gifts

Here are four different ways you can make a tax-deductible one-time donation to All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church that will help support our various ministries:


Make a payment online by clicking here. We use an secure online payment service that keeps your information safe.

By Automatic Bank Draft

With most banks, you can automatically send a check to our address, and even schedule regular donations for the future. Many have found this to be the most convenient way to donate, especially since it saves time and does not involve fees taken out of your donation. Your bank’s online banking website will have information on how to get started, usually under a heading like Make a Payment. The address to enter for payments is:

All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara CA 93108
(805) 969-4771

By Check

You can place your check in the collection plate during service, or you can mail it to the address below:

All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara CA 93108

Through a Charitable Gift Fund or Trust

Many financial organizations, including Fidelity, Schwab, Bank of America and others, let you direct charitable contributions to the organizations you choose. If you have such an account, consider this option to provide support.

All Saints’ Federal Tax ID is: 95-1942147

Your donation is tax-deductible. You will always receive a receipt from All Saints in thanks and with appreciation for your financial support.

Questions about donating? Don’t hesitate to contact the All Saints Church Office at (805) 969-4771 or by email at info@asbts.org.


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Adult Christian Education (A.C.E.)


At All Saints-by-the-Sea, we believe that being shaped in the image of Christ is not a one-time event or the product of an education class, but a rich, ongoing growth into the full humanity God desires for us. We become more faithful people not only by enjoying opportunities to grow in faith, but also by committing to faithful relationships that shape us into the people of God

Episcopalians believe that formation begins with baptism and continues throughout our lives. Adult Christian Education (ACE) incorporates intentional programs that build on knowledge of Christian faith and its practice. ACE classes have been held Sunday mornings from September through May. These classes reflect seasonal biblical and liturgical themes, their historical and modern applications, and general studies of life as Episcopalians. There are also periodic A.C.E. retreats, workshops, and book discussions that offer the opportunity to explore a specific facet of Christian faith in greater depth. A regular book group meets once every other month for potluck dinner, fellowship, and discussion. Formation events at All Saints are open to anyone who is interested in deepening their faith through conversation and reflection.

The Book Table is full of books for purchase including Episcopal worship material and inspirational reading for all ages; these elections change with the Liturgical Seasons. The Book Table is the patio after worship on Sundays. Additionally, the Book Carts offer donated books of all genres for good will offerings after services. Proceeds from Book Cart donations benefit All Saints ministries.

Fellowship is also an important part of formation and contributes to community building. Fellowship groups at All Saints enjoy such things as an annual trip to Dodger Stadium for Episcopal Dodger Night, field trips to museums and theater performances, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day luncheons, St. Patrick’s Day dinner, St. Nicholas Day Market, and more. Fellowship and Formation events at All Saints are open to all who are interested in deepening their faith through community, worship, and education.


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