Liturgical Ministry Fair at All Saints Sunday, June 3rd after 10 a.m. Service, During Parish BBQ

Everyone is needed for ministry at All Saints! As we embark on our sojourn years in the Parish Hall with four weekend worship services, we are going to need more people to serve as ministers during worship. We need more ushers, greeters, readers, prayer leaders, Altar Guild members (who prepare the altar before worship), Lay Eucharistic Ministers (who help give communion), coffee hour hosts and people to help at the information table. People of all ages can serve as ministers of worship! Indeed, as baptized members of the body of Christ, we are all called to serve, and it is a joy and privilege to serve God and the community in this way. Watch what various worship ministers do on Sundays and discover how you would like to serve. Then speak to one of our ministry coordinators at the ministry fair to learn more and to sign up to serve. And don’t worry, training will be provided!