Starting Sunday, September 13, we will collect food for the hungry each Sunday. Food that you bring for the hungry will be gathered each Sunday at the entrance in a green wagon and brought forward to the altar with our offerings and oblations to God. The food will be donated to Café Picasso Food Pantry at St. Michael’s University Church (aka St. Mike’s) in Isla Vista to serve UCSB and SBCC students struggling with issues of food insecurity.
All Saints Food Wagon provides us all with an opportunity to give out of our abundance. One way to do so is to try spending 10% (the biblical tithe) of your grocery bill on food that you will give away. Parents, you might invite your children weekly to choose the food that your family will bring to church to give to those who don’t have enough to eat. This makes them aware of the blessings of their life and forms them at a young age to make a difference in the hurts of their world. Through this simple but loving service, both young and old can extend Christ’s grace from the meal we share at the altar to our hungry neighbors’ tables.