Christmas Worship at All Saints

12/23 .- Greening of the Church following the 10 a.m. service. We need hands to make the wreaths, (gloves an a pair of pruners will help), put on the bows, put up the poinsettias, and straighten the Christmas trees and of course advice for those who are brave enough to climb the ladders. It’s a joyous time with carol music playing, a cup of hot chili and spiced cider in the parish hall for those who are hungry. Please join us even if you only want to sit and watch the fun. 

12/24 – 4 p.m. Family Service Retell the Christmas Story! Children of all ages are welcome to come close to the Nativity as we retell the Birth of Christ!

7 p.m. Carol Sing and Choral Eucharist A traditional, inspirational service of candlelight and choral music. The service will begin with choral music at 7:00 p.m. and worship continuing at 7:30 p.m.

10 p.m. Carol Sing and Choral Eucharist A traditional, inspirational service of candlelight and choral music. The service will begin with choral music at 10:00 p.m. and worship continuing at 10:30 p.m.

12/25 10:30 a.m. Eucharist A simple spoken Christmas Eucharist, followed by a Christmas lunch.

12/30 Comfy Sunday You are invited to come to church as comfy as you can. Just roll out of bed and come as comfy as you want to be! For some, that will mean pajamas, for others jeans, and still others a coat and tie. Just make sure you come!

Champagne & Candy We will have our New Year’s toast and piñata party. End the old year, and kick off the new, with style and FUN! A Champagne Reception will follow both services on 12/30 and the piñata party for kids of all ages will follow the 10 a.m. service.