ASBTS Book Club to Discuss The Gospel of Luke; Will Meet Monday, January 26


The January meeting of the All Saints Book Club has been postponed until Monday, Jan. 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House. This month’s selection is The Gospel of Luke, one of the books of the New Testament.  There is still time – please join us! This book was chosen by the group for its appropriate and encompassing narrative of the birth of Jesus during this time of Advent and Christmas, and God’s intention for his life.  A great translation is offered by the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) which we hear from the pulpit and is the appointed translation for seminarians and Education for Ministry Students.  If you have another translation that you favor, please do not feel that you need to acquire the NRSV for this gathering!  A suggested reading pattern would be to first read Luke straight through; then read a second time with an annotated Bible which provides footnotes and commentary; and thirdly, if you are so inspired, read it with a companion book of commentary.  Our evening will include a potluck dinner, fellowship, and book discussion.  Please contact Rev. Vicki if you have any questions.