Last year was a challenging one of the parish’s finances. As has been the trend over the past few years, we’ve had to dip into our reserves, or “savings,” far too deeply in order to maintain the ministries in place and meet our various financial obligations.
The Vestry made some difficult decisions over the past few months and adopted a 2017 budget that brings the gap between revenues and expenses closer together. In addition to our income from pledges, we include plate offerings and other financial gifts, rental income, and a limited annual draw against our invested reserves and endowment.
Pledge income represents 74% of our budgeted total revenue and is the critical component of our financial well being. At this writing, pledges for 2017 are 5% ($25,889) short of budget, and we seek out of necessity, to close the gap. If you haven’t yet submitted your pledge for 2017, please do so by filling out a card found in the pews or simply call the church office.
We thank all pledgers for their faithfulness in making a firm financial commitment to our continued ministry.