“Our Inheritance, Our Church and Our Children: How best to pass on what we have received”
Know someone who passed away without a proper will or trust?
Or made a will in some other state and didn’t fix it after moving to California?
Or overlooked assets that passed outside of their will or trust?
Or hasn’t revised an estate plan for recent changes in law?
These are just a few of the sink holes we can learn to circumnavigate when the Rev. Richard Schaper, Episcopal Priest, Certified Financial Planner and former gift planning officer for the Diocese of California, comes for a Workshop at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 15 (and a sermon on the 16th). A former Rhodes Scholar, Benedictine monk, hospital chaplain and parish pastor, Fr. Richard brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to help individuals identify shortcomings in their financial and estate planning and realize their long-term goals for their loved ones while minimizing estate taxes and probate fees and delays. And the anecdotes that illustrate his points are truly surprising!
The workshop will be followed by a delicious catered lunch with Fr. Richard on the patio, all brought to you by the Heritage Society – and you needn’t be a member to attend. Please don’t miss this opportunity to do some prudent planning now to assure that your wishes for your treasure are fulfilled.