Lent is just around the corner! It comes early this year along with Holy Week and Easter. Ash Wednesday falls on February 10 and with it comes the church season when we look within ourselves to understand our spiritual relationship to God and how we might draw closer. Lent is a time when we practice certain disciplines that enable us to fully look forward to and experience the impact of the cross and Easter.
To aid our spiritual journey, All Saints is offering a Lenten Class based on the book by James W. Moore, Give Up Something Bad for Lent. During Lent each year, Christians tend to give up something as an act of sacrifice and spiritual discipline. Often it is something like chocolate, knowing that after Easter, they can once again enjoy what they have given up. James Moore challenges readers to take it further – to give up something spiritually that they would be better off not doing. He invites all to seek God’s help to focus on eliminating one habit or attitude that is destructive. Imagine the impact of giving up envy, jealousy, self-pity, apathy, procrastination, gossip, resentment or negative thinking!
Join us from 7:15 – 8:45 p.m. in the Parish House for five Wednesdays: February 17, 24 and March 2,9, and 16. Fifiteen copies of the book have been ordered and will be available at the Book Table (on the patio each Sunday) for $10.00. The book is also available through Amazon.com or Cokesbury.com. Please sign-up at the Information Table after services. All are welcome! Please contact Rev. Vicki at the church with questions: vicki@asbts.org or 969-4771.