The first Episcopal services in the Montecito area of Santa Barbara were initiated in the early 1890s. The Miramar Hotel was a major draw for wealthy tourists and the established Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Santa Barbara faithfully responded to requests for a service near the Miramar Hotel – thus allowing these Episcopalians to avoid the 90-minute horse-and-buggy ride to downtown and another one back.
The “All Saints” mission received canonical consent in 1896 and a temporary chapel was built in 1898 on land owned by the Doulton family, adjacent to the Miramar Hotel. A chiseled cornerstone on our Church building proudly proclaims 1900 as the date our current Sanctuary was built. By 1913, the Rev. Melville Moore had guided the mission to sustainability such that his successor’s call was used as a focal point to raise enough funds to warrant the removal of the mission status.
A must-read, delightful history of All Saints, “One Hundred Years . . . a History of All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church,” was edited by parishioner Marni McGee. The 185-page book covers the early years through 2000 and is available at the Church Office at no cost. Please stop by and pick up a copy.
All Saints has a history of long-serving Rectors, each with their own style and different strengths, representative of our congregation’s diversity of spiritual need and openness to the rich variety within the Episcopal tradition.