Green Team

Mission Statement:
All Saints by-the-Sea strives to honor God by celebrating creation, practicing sustainability, and improving our environmental footprint. We believe that God gives grace and joy to all life. We affirm our commitment to creation care and environmental conservation for generations to follow. Called by core values of wonder, gratitude, peacemaking, and environmental justice, we agree to engage our community in environmental education and action.
We will take environmental concerns into account in all aspects of our church life, including our worship, teaching, training, administration, charitable giving, mission, and pastoral, youth and children’s work.
2023-2024 Events:
- Coastal Clean-up Day: Miramar Beach
- All Saints Bat Night Out
- Lake Cachuma Nature Cruise
- Rattlesnake Canyon Hike
- Hear the Creation of the Lord Dawn Birding
- Earth Day Worship service
- “Contemplation & Ecology” Lenten series.
2023-2024 Initiatives
- Working with Rev. Channing and the parish to include prayers for California endangered species and the wild places we are grateful for in the Prayers of the People on a monthly basis
- Conducting in-depth audit of 70+ items related to facilities and resource use with Santa Barbara Green Business–we became the first church to become a certified Green Business in Santa Barbara County!
- Reusable gift bags sale at the St. Nicholas Christmas Market–proceeds to local environmental organization
- Recycling drop-off for filmy plastics (9-9:55am on Sundays)
- Reducing plastic water bottle purchase, and providing a water dispenser
- Encouraging use of reusable coffee mugs
- Weekly regular parish communications with events information, green tips, species highlights, and more