Leadership & Church Financials

In Episcopal parishes, a Vestry is elected to provide governance and leadership to the parish. Nominees for Vestry and wardens are presented to the parish each year for election to three-year terms.

Vestry Members

Class of 2026:

Becky Adams, Steve Koch, Lauren Jared, Lore Dobler, David Telleen-Lawton

Class of 2027:

David Dean, Salli Peterson, Bob Smith, Simon Sutton, Syd Walker

Class of 2028:

Phil Dracht, Cecile Lyons, Barbara Offerman, Trey Pinner, Amanda Sparkman


Senior Warden: Salli Peterson

Junior Warden: Simon Sutton


Treasurer: David Telleen-Lawton

Church Financials

Click here to review the current Financials (Profit & Loss).

Parishioner Committees

In the truest aspect of life in an Episcopal Church, lay leaders play an integral part in the life of the parish. Opportunities for the ministry of leadership abound and include service on a variety of ongoing and ad hoc committees. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, you can reach out to the church office for details.

  • Investment Committee
  • Budget and Finance Committee
  • Outreach Committee
  • Welcoming & Belonging Committee
  • Parish School Board
  • Adult Christian Education Committee