Our Church campus serves our community as a place for worship, a pre-school, a refuge for adults in recovery, and a community center. We are blessed with a beautiful worship space and a welcoming congregation – two important components of our Christian identity.
Eight buildings under nine roofs dot the All Saints campus to support our Sunday and weekday programs and to address the overall needs of our community:
Originally erected in 1900 and remodeled in 2020, this is the oldest and most beloved building on campus. It is our sanctuary, a place we find the generous presence of God and through that time, we find ourselves as well. For our community, it is our place of worship and the primary place of formation. The sanctuary is open for quiet prayer Monday-Thursday from 8:30 – 12:30 every week. As the inscription above the door reads “Bide a wee and pray,” we invite all to come and enjoy the blessing of this quiet space.
This two-story building sits across the street from the Sanctuary and was purchased in the 1940s. This is where clergy and staff have offices and a conference room.
This building, next to the Sanctuary, was the rectory when built in 1934 on the site of the original vicarage. It has been extensively renovated and remodeled over the years. Today this structure primarily houses the Sunday School, one of two campus kitchens, and oft-used meeting rooms. A detached garage is used for storage.
Tucked behind the sanctuary, this building houses the second of our two kitchens and our largest single meeting. Originally constructed in 1929, it too has undergone renovation over the years, most recently to was converted into an interim worship space while the Church Sanctuary underwent structural reinforcement as a part of our Sanctuary Readiness Project.
This portion of the campus across the street from the Sanctuary, next to the Office, was originally constructed for Sunday School classes. Today the Friendship Center occupies most of this building with a community meeting room available to the public and used regularly by 12-step groups.
Adjoining the Parish Hall, these classrooms were built in 1962 and mirror the style of the Parish Hall along the back of the property.