Dr. Anne Plane, professor of history at UCSB and parishioner at ASBTS, will continue the discussion on the development of the Episcopal Church begun by Dr. Sears McGee in his two-part lecture on the Reformation in September. Join us on Wednesday evenings, November 1 and 8, in the Parish House living room at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Plane’s lecture will focus on the impact of the Reformation on the New World and the emerging Episcopal Church.
November 1: Christianizing the New World
The colonization of the Americas played out at the same time as the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counterreformation changed the map of Europe. Religious conflict – Catholic vs Protestant and the established church vs dissenters – often motivated colonization in the New World. This session shows some of the impact of the Reformation on colonization efforts and on the missionization of Native Americans and African American peoples.
November 8: Anglicans and Episcopalians
Dissenters from the Anglican church played a major role in most of the English colonies of North America. What role did the Anglican church play in the diversity of colonial religion and in what ways did it stand in the larger political conflict between the colonies and Britain? This section focuses on religious awakening, dissenter protest, and the conflicts that brought the American Episcopal Church into being.