Adult Christian Education (A.C.E.)

John Philip Newell and Cami Twilling, February 2025

At All Saints-by-the-Sea, we believe that being shaped in the image of Christ is not a one-time event or the product of an education class, but a rich, ongoing growth into the full humanity God desires for us. We become more faithful people not only by enjoying opportunities to grow in faith, but also by committing to faithful relationships that shape us into the people of God

Episcopalians believe that formation begins with baptism and continues throughout our lives. Adult Christian Education (ACE) incorporates intentional programs that build on knowledge of Christian faith and its practice. These classes reflect seasonal biblical and liturgical themes, their historical and modern applications, and general studies of life as Episcopalians. There are also periodic A.C.E. retreats, workshops, and book discussions that offer the opportunity to explore a specific facet of Christian faith in greater depth. A regular book group meets once every other month for potluck dinner, fellowship, and discussion. Formation events at All Saints are open to anyone who is interested in deepening their faith through conversation and reflection.

The Book Table is full of books for purchase including Episcopal worship material and inspirational reading for all ages; these elections change with the Liturgical Seasons. The Book Table is the patio after worship on Sundays. Additionally, the Book Carts offer donated books of all genres for good will offerings after services. Proceeds from Book Cart donations benefit All Saints ministries.

Fellowship is also an important part of formation and contributes to community building. Fellowship groups at All Saints enjoy such things as an annual trip to Dodger Stadium for Episcopal Dodger Night, field trips to museums and theater performances, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day luncheons, St. Patrick’s Day dinner, St. Nicholas Day Market, and more. Fellowship and Formation events at All Saints are open to all who are interested in deepening their faith through community, worship, and education.