Three Cows For The Twa – Thank You, All Saints!

1-twa-cow-danceThe Twa (Pygmy) community in Rwanda has undergone extraordinary changes since they left their forest existence in 2011. With initial help from Goats for Life, and the partnership with World Dance for Humanity, the community is creating a sustainable future. The children are in school and the women have opened a sewing business. Each family has a goat, but for years they have wanted COWS so they could provide milk to their children, have fertilizer for their crops, and be considered true farmers.

This spring, World Dance 4 Humanity asked the All Saints-by-the-Sea Outreach Committee, for a $3,000 grant to buy cows for the Twa. The request was granted, and on June 26, 2015, three full-grown, pregnant cows were delivered to the community.

All Saints Eventide group was also asked to suggest some names for the Twa to choose from. They came up with 83 lovely, creative names, including Moo-riah, Udder Lee, Cow-A-Bunga, and Milky Way. Justin created a shortlist of 23 names for the Twa to choose from. In a very formal meeting, the community chose BETSY, HOLY COW, and GRACE!

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