Family Feast Resumes Sunday, February 1


On the first Sunday of each month, children of all ages and their parents are invited to join together in the Parish Hall at 10 a.m. for “Family Feast,” a service of worship and communion designed especially for families with children and teens.  Family Feast resumes in 2015 on Sunday, February 1.  Every family is welcome to join in this special celebration of the Eucharist. 



Sunday School is offered for children Preschool through 8th grade at 10 a.m. during the remaining Sundays each month. We currently follow the Living the Good News curriculum. Sunday school classes meet in the Parish House, with grades 6th-8th meeting in the downstairs youth room, and the Pre-K-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade classes meeting upstairs. Children in Sunday school join their families in “big church” at Holy Communion. Childcare is also offered each Sunday for children under 3 years. Sunday school will resume next Sunday, January 11 for all ages. Contact the Rev. Vicki for more information about family & youth ministries at All Saints.