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Pipe Organ ­ The music ministry at All Saints is renowned
well beyond Santa Barbara and our pipe organ is an integral
part of that ministry. Unfortunately, the organ is failing and
must be replaced to ensure the music ministry can reach its
fullest potential.
Accessibility Improvements ­ Many aspects of worship
are inaccessible to our parishioners and our visitors. The
Sanctuary needs critical improvements to make it safer, more
welcoming and accessible:
Move the Communion rail and kneelers from the
altar level to the congregation level so worshippers
who cannot or should not use the stairs can receive
Communion with the full congregation
Make the altar and choir areas accessible to all
Improve the lighting and acoustics to ensure that the
liturgy reaches all within our pews
Add accessible restrooms
Lighting and Acoustics
Pipe Organ
Altar and Choir Areas
Communion Rail
This rendering depicts a preliminary design for the altar area.
It may be modified through the continued work of the architect,
clergy and Facilities Committee, along with input from the parish.