All Saints Celebrates Baptismal Ministries During Annual Meeting


The 2014 Annual Meeting of the All Saints parish took place on Sunday, February 8 and was a morning of prayerful reflection and celebration of the baptismal ministries of the household of God. Because the ministry of Christ at All Saints grows out of our baptism, the Annual Meeting grew out of our worship together – a format that was fully embraced and celebrated by all. View all the photos from the Annual Meeting by clicking here.

In her sermon/rector report, Rev. Aimée reminded us that ministers of the church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons. She asked use to notice the order in which the Book of Common Prayer lists those ministers: lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.

“The primary ministry is that of the laity, the baptized, you! Baptism is the fountain out of which all ministry flows. …’What is the ministry of the laity? The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and according to the gifts given them…’ That is baptismal ministry, that’s vocation. In other words, Baptism=Ministry! God calls each one of us to a variety of ministries and at our baptism, when we make our baptismal covenant, we promise God and one another that we will claim and live out those ministries as living members of the Body of Christ.” Click here to listen to her full sermon/report.

Outgoing Treasurer, Fred Allen and outgoing Senior Warden, Chip Nichols acknowledged that there will be some challenging times – including overcoming some difficult financial realities. The need to discuss our church’s financial reality was fitting so that we can overcome it together, grounding our solution in the common purpose and mission to which God calls us. Chip Nichols offered an important way forward: “If every one of our 420 member households gave $750 over and above whatever they have already pledged for 2015, it would erase the $315,000 deficit we are budgeting.” Rev. Aimée did so and invited others to join.

Outgoing Senior Warden, Chip Nichols is presented with a gift from the parish: a beautiful watercolor by parishioner and artist Jim Dow.

Outgoing Senior Warden, Chip Nichols is presented with a gift from the parish: a beautiful watercolor by parishioner and artist Jim Dow.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Bill Macfadyen, reviewed the nominees for various leadership positions in the parish, and elections were held at the Annual Meeting.  Elected to the Vestry were Charley Cairns, Chuck DiTirro, Tom Mack (Senior Warden), Sally Messerlian, Nathan Sigler, and Raye Haskell Melville. The vestry has elected David Telleen-Lawton as Jr. Warden. Bios of our newly elected vestry leaders are available in the 2014 Annual Report. Delegates to the Diocesan Convention are: Phil and Sally Wilcox, Ed and Grace Yoon, Chuck DiTirro, and Mary Esperti and Diana Andonian as Alternates. The 2015 Nominating Committee is Tony Askew, Susan Gulbransen, Barbara Toumayan, and Bill Macfadyen. 

Parishioners continue to celebrate our baptismal ministries on the patio during a potluck coffee hour hosted by the Vestry.

Parishioners continue to celebrate our baptismal ministries on the patio during a potluck coffee hour hosted by the Vestry.

Following the our worship and Annual Meeting, parishioners gathered on the patio to enjoy a delicious potluck coffee hour hosted by the 2014-2015 Vestry.  To listen the the Annual Meeting, including Treasurer, Vestry and Nominating Committee reports click here. Download the 2014 Annual Report here.