All Saints Campus Clean-up Day A Hit!

All Saints Clean-up Day

Sears McGee

After a prayer circle to ask for God’s grace in our day of work and fellowship, crews hit the grounds and Eucalyptus Lane down to the beach to pick up trash.  An entire Dumpster was filled to overflowing!  The window washing crew, lead by Sears McGee, Eric Nichols and Senior Warden Chip Nichols, spent a sweaty morning getting all the exterior and hard-to-reach stained glass windows scrubbed.  Another crew that included Hunter Hawley, Sally Messerlian, Charley Cairns, Tony Askew and others, painted the playground posts/wall of the Parish School a bright green.  Barbara Askew, Peggy Morgan, Heather Childress, Leslie Huber and other ladies tackled a reorganization of the Sunday School rooms, just in time for classes to resume next month.  And Robert Brown headed a team that included Syd Walker, Karen Teleen-Lawton and several other hard workers as they stripped the vesting room and painted it a beautiful salmon color!  There were many other workers, as you can see from the slide show below.  Nathan Sigler was the organizer and general contractor for the day; he noted, “We are so fortunate to have parishioners who are willing to roll up their sleeves to make their church home clean and fresh.  Thanks to all!”



Campus clean up day Campus clean up day IMG_2011 IMG_1996