Belief in God in an Age of Science

Science underlies every aspect of the world around us, and faith is the foundation of our lives. These two very different ways of knowing are both essential, but science and religion have a history of conflict: from Galileo to Dawkins, from creationism to the big bang. Yet many have sought to bridge the gap.

Please join us as parishioner and physicist Michael Swift takes us through “Belief in God in an Age of Science”, a six-week class on science and religion. Loosely based on the book by John Polkinghorne with the same title, the class will discuss how these two approaches to understanding the world fit together, and the sometimes surprising ways they are alike. We will dive into topics such as the philosophy of science (with parishioner and philosopher Stephen Zysltra), creation and evolution (with parishioner and biologist Amanda Sparkman), cosmology, quantum mechanics, and chaos theory. Bring your curiosity, bring your questions, and bring your friends!

Classes will take place on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish House, starting on October 5. You are welcomed and encouraged to read the book, but it will not be necessary to follow the class. All are welcome!