Share Your Musical Talents This Summer!

summer musicSummer worship at All Saints is always a fun and exciting experience. Each year at our 10am summer services we present a broad variety of musical styles and players. This year we’re planning a Summer of Sharing Our Gifts. We need your help. 
All that we are and all that we have are gifts from God. This summer, you are invited to share your musical gifts in worship at All Saints in response to God’s generosity to you.
Everyone, of all ages, who play instruments, sing and have musical gifts of any kind, is invited to participate in the music of our 10am Sunday worship services. If you are a pianist, a violinist, a guitarist, a singer – or even play the saw – will you tell me? We’re putting together not only soloists, but ensembles and a summer choir as well. Whatever level you feel comfortable as a musician, whether it’s a solo or playing in a group, we need your help! This is a great opportunity for you to share your gifts in a wonderful, safe and meaningful way!
God’s Peace,
Steve O’Connor ( or 969-4771)